What would the ratings look like if you kept Price at the point and moved Verdejo to SG? That way Keita wouldn't be a starter with an 86 rating.

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We went through this on the stream. Verdejo is an 87 at the two and Price is a 90 at point. Instead I think we're going to go 86-92 pairing with Keita and Price.

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Cool cool cool. Thanks for the clarification for the non-streaming 'Necks fans!

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Ugh, that sucks man :( Definitely need to schedule Alabama in the next season and exact a sweet revenge!

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We did!

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Tough way to end the season.

I'm torn on the game to stream in the regular season. Bama for the revenge factor, or Dayton for the Boswell factor!

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That was a heart breaker of a loss. In watching the stream I thought Kone had the dagger in him. Coming from a 65 overall recruit to the pressure player we needed in 5 years, just amazing! It seems like the international recruits make huge strides in their game from year 1-3. It must be a piece of the game that could help in the long run. It would be interesting to see the results of recruiting the top international player to the 'Necks. It seems like a risk vs reward statement.

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